Shop our range of Pneumatic Actuated Valve

Pneumatic Actuated Valve

With 25+ years manufacturing experience in valves, COVNA can offer the optimize profit plans for your flow control project.

Select and configure from our range of Pneumatic Actuated Valve, incluidng Pneumatic actuated ball valves, Pneumatic Actuated Valves, Pneumatic knife gate valves, Pneumatic diaphragm control valves, Pneumatic globe valves and many kinds of Pneumatic Components.

Advantage of COVNA Pneumatic Actuated Valve:
● Available in single-acting actuator and double acting actuator to meet your actuation requirements
● All types of pneumatic accessories to help your automation easier
● Fast open/closed and long service times up to 1 million lifetimes

Let's get in touch for the further discussions of your current project.The customized valves selection plan will be shared right on time,we promise!

Contact Details
Longchang Micro-Chuangyuan, Dongcheng District Dongguan City, China, 523000